  /  Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The visitor / user pages and services of the website must agree to the following terms of use applicable to all content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included. The user should read these terms carefully before visiting or using the pages and / or services. If a user does not agree, should not make use of the services and content of the website.


Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright)

All information contained in the note, available on the website visitors are for personal use only and may change without prior notice. The content of the website, the registered trademarks and service marks of, are copyrighted and protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law. Therefore, none of the above may be wholly or partially sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted or distributed in any way. Any other use than personal requires the prior written consent of the owner or the copyright owner. All other products or services mentioned in the pages of this website and bear the marks of their respective organizations, institutions, associations and publications, are their intellectual and industrial property and therefore they have every responsibility.


Guest / User Liability

The visitor / user pages and / or services of this website assumes responsibility for any damage caused to Athens Explorer from incorrect or improper use of the service.


Disclaimer of Athens Explorer

Under no circumstances, including negligence, Athens Explorer is not responsible for any damage suffered by the visitor / user pages, services, options and content of the website made on his own initiative and with the knowledge of the terms hereof. The contents of the site are provided ‘as is’ without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent of the law, Athens Explorer disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those which involve the merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Athens Explorer does not guarantee that the pages, services, choices and content will be uninterrupted, error free or that errors will be corrected. Also, the manager does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or servers (‘servers’) through which they put at your disposal, are free of ‘viruses’ or other harmful components. The operator does not in any way guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of content, pages, services, choices or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is undertaken by the visitor / user and in no event by Athens Explorer.


Links’ (links) to other sites

Athens Explorer does not control the availability, content, policy of protection of personal data, the quality and completeness of other websites and pages referred through ‘links’, hyperlinks or advertising banners. For any problem arising during the visit / use should be addressed directly to the respective web sites and pages, which bear the responsibility for the provision of their services. Finally, Athens Explorer states that such information and references do not constitute promotion or advertising of specific actors or imply its ‘approval’, but are part of the documentation.



The management and protection of personal data of the visitor / user of the site subject to the terms of this section and the relevant provisions of Greek law on the protection of individuals from the management of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the President Committee on Privacy, the P. D. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Law. 2819/2000) and European law.



Athens Explorer treats all personal information as confidential and shall not disclose of such information to any third party (natural or legal person) for no reason except the relevant provisions of law and to the relevant authorities.

Athens Explorer may keep files with the personal elements, which dispatches the visitor / user exclusively for communication purposes.

The guest / user may contact the relevant department of Athens Explorer to check for the existence of a personal record and correct, change or deletion.

Athens Explorer can process part or all the data you have sent for statistical purposes and improvement the provided services – information.

If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section shall not use the pages / services of this website. The personal elements which are being collected by the network are following:

Registration – Subscription servicesFor registration or subscription of the visitor / user to some of the services / pages of the site are requested the following information: Name, Last Name, User ID (username), Address Email. Athens Explorer can use these data to make proposals for new subscription services to the subscriber or for other information purposes. The information is not disclosed to third parties.

NewslettersFor registration of the visitor / user to mailing lists (mailing lists) of the Prospectus (newsletters) requested the following information: Name, Surname, E -mail (the address of the mailbox of the user). Athens Explorer may keep a record of the email addresses to send other financial or informative messages beyond the Newsletters unless the recipient does not want that.

CookiesAthens Explorer may use cookies to identify visitors / users of certain services and pages of the website (eg newsletters). Cookies are small text files stored on the hard disk of the visitor / user and no knowledge of any document or file from his computer. Used to facilitate the visitor / user regarding the use of specific services / pages of the website, for statistical purposes and in order to define areas which are useful or popular or for marketing. The visitor / user of the site may set his browser in such a way as to warn about the use of cookies in specific services of the Company or to refuse to accept the use of cookies at any time. If the visitor / user of services and pages does not wish the use of cookies for recognition may not have further access to these services.


Electronic Payments

Services and online market products are provided to those visitors / users who accept the terms of this paragraph. If you do not agree with these terms you should not proceed to use the services, and the use of the services implies acceptance of all the terms outlined in this paragraph.

Payment is possible with the use of credit cards VISA and Mastercard and debit card VISA ELECTRON. The above service is provided in cooperation with Eurobank and Cardlink, which provide special schemes for the safe transmission of the credit / debit card. For any doubt or question about the charges on your credit / debit card for their users should be addressed directly to the bank that issued their card.

The clearance of your payment is taken from Eurobank, ensuring the absolute safety of your transaction. When introducing elements of your card the bank does not charge the amount of your debt, but it is bound. The charge occurs on pricing your debt.

For further security of electronic transactions through credit cards, they are made with the security system Cardlink and Eurobank. Thus, during the purchase process by credit card, the customer is automatically transferred to a secure server (secure server) to the service of E-Commerce of Cardlink and Eurobank.

All information transmitted electronically from the customer (credit card) to the service E-Commerce Cardlink and Eurobank, and their transfer from the bank to VISA or MasterCard are 3D secure, the most powerful encryption existing today worldwide.

In this case details of credit cards are not stored anywhere and are used only during checking and charging. So any transaction you make with a credit card is perfectly secure.

Athens Explorer does not collect or store in any way your credit card information and for this reason you need to register again each time you use your credit card for transactions through this site.